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Ryukai Official Website

japanese style window


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Grayscale Photo of Man Taking Pictures Using a Camera





大河ドラマ『鎌倉殿の13人』伊豆の国市 大河ドラマ館公式のご朱印帳の題字揮毫をはじめ、田村淳さんオンラインサロンイベントの題字揮毫。その他店舗名揮毫や企業理念の書、インテリア命名書制作を中心に活動中。


Japanese Calligrapher

Born in 1991 in Aichi Prefecture and currently residing in Handa City. I have been attending a local calligraphy school since I was 5 years old, and by the time I was in the third year of junior high school, I had won more than 30 times in calligraphy exhibitions and competitions within Aichi Prefecture. Now, with over 20 years of calligraphy experience, I am a member of the "Shoshinkai", headquartered in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, and hold an eighth-degree rank.

I have been active in writing titles for the official stamp book of the historical drama "13 Lords of Kamakura" and for online salon events hosted by Mr. Atsushi Tamura. I'm currently focusing on calligraphy for store names and corporate philosophies, and on creating name plates for interiors.


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【 書 道 の 起 源 】




現 代 に お け る 書 道 】




【 The Origins of Shodo 】

The origins of Shodo can be traced back to the Shang and Western Zhou dynasties in ancient China. It began with the carving of characters on stones and oracle bones, using sharp tools to draw lines. Writing on bamboo or wooden slips and on silk or paper also became common practices.

【 Shodo in the Modern Era 】

In the modern era, Shodo is cherished and practiced by many as a part of art and cultural activities. It is widely admired and loved by people of all ages. Throughout the year, various-scale Shodo exhibitions are held, captivating the hearts of many. Shodo classes are available in different regions, and its influence can be seen in numerous aspects of modern life, such as product labels, logos, signage, as well as in drama and movie titles. Even in this rapidly digitalized age, Shodo remains an essential and irreplaceable art form, with a significant impact on people's lives.

Please note that while I have strived to provide an accurate translation, the resulting English text may not fully capture the nuances and depth of the original Japanese content.

今 宵 の 酔

Koyoi no Yoi

花 鳥 風 月


霜 凪

Shimo nagi

禅 の こ と ば

Zen words

豊 楽

Hou raku

月 が 綺 麗 で す ね

I love you

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Grateful for our connection.



Event title design

鮨 醸 KAMOSUさま 店舗名揮毫

香港 Hong Kong

Abstract Minimalist Lined Half Colored Circle Shape

Handa City, Aichi Prefecture

キッチンカー ALGUNADAさま 店舗名揮毫

「鎌倉殿の13人 伊豆の国 大河ドラマ館」さま


I created the title calligraphy for the official stamp book, a merchandise of "13 Lords of Kamakura, Izu-no-Kuni, Taiga Drama Museum".


静岡県 伊豆の国市(現在は閉館)

Shizuoka Prefecture, Izu-no-Kuni City (currently closed).

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I sincerely hope that my baby will continue to grow healthily and energetically.

Thank you for being born.

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一 生 に 一 度 の 贈 り 物。

A once-in-a-lifetime gift.




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Thank you for being born.

Official Goods Store 2023年6月中旬OPEN 予定

Thirt design

Abstract Minimalist Lined Half Colored Circle Shape

Ryukai original

Life is Beauty T-shirt




花 鳥 風 月 T-shirt

The beautiful scenery woven by nature.


※Shop公開予定 2023年6月中旬

誰 家 無 明 月 清 風 T-shirt

Abstract Minimalist Lined Half Colored Circle Shape

The moonlight gently illuminates anyone, and the cool wind blows for everyone. Anyone can become happy. However, realizing this is up to the individual.



Instagram Outline Logo


Calligraphy activity announcement.



For inquiries and consultations, please contact us here.



書道パフォーマンス依頼 他

Abstract Minimalist Lined Half Colored Circle Shape

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